One Hundred Ten Thousand Views…In One Day!

Two weeks ago, our page views shot up to 6,000 in a day, and we were excited.

Five days later, the number doubled to more than 12,000, and we were getting giddy.

And now we’re elated, because yesterday brought this gobsmacking six-figure milestone (thanks to Reddit and redditors’ more than 2,000 upvotes):

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And it wasn’t all Reddit. Richard Dawkins also linked to Moral Compass from his website yesterday. Sweet.

The numbers could have been even higher if our servers had been able to keep up with demand. Unfortunately, as the traffic got heavy, Moral Compass got grindingly slow for a few hours in the evening. I imagine we tested people’s patience, and inadvertently chased some visitors away when they couldn’t get our pages to load in a timely fashion. Sorry about that. We’ll be looking into measures to keep the site quick and responsive.

There’s something you can do, too, if you wish. Actually, there are six things you can do. Pick and choose:

1. Tell others about Moral Compass.
2. Join and ‘like’ the Moral Compass page on Facebook (if that link doesn’t take you to the right place, search Facebook for “moralcompassmyfoot.”
3. Bookmark us in your browser(s).
4. Subscribe to our RSS feed (top right).
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6. Find Twitter user MoralCompassWeb. Follow our Tweets, and don’t forget to say hi.

Also, feedback is always welcome.

Thanks again!

UPDATE: Today, we bought triple the previous bandwidth allotment. That should do nicely, but please feel free to try to prove us wrong!