Slut Shaming of the Third Kind 4

A group of self-styled modesty enforcers in Kenya attacked a women for wearing a skirt that they deemed too short; and to show their horror of female flesh, they forcibly stripped her naked and ripped up every last bit of clothing she was wearing.

The men attacked the woman claiming that she was dressed inappropriately. The woman was spotted walking on the street in Kitengela, a town in Kenya.


The angry mob claimed the dress was too short. They argued with the woman to change into something more appropriate. When the woman ignored their request the men attacked her and undressed her.

The men then ripped her clothing apart so she could not put them back on, claiming that “it was better for her to go naked because her intentions were clear,” according to press reports in Kenya. …

“Most women in the town of Kitengela dress modestly, and everyone is expected to adhere to their standards,” [said witness] Aminah Wangai.

The reports do not specify the religion of the attackers, but don’t point your finger at the usual suspects just yet. Kenya is overwhelmingly Christian  — appr. 83% of the population — and only 11 percent Muslim.

[image via Glogster]

4 thoughts on “Slut Shaming of the Third Kind

  1. Aita Apr 22,2013 4:47 pm

    I was just going to point the finger at “Idiots”…

    Not too soon for that, eh?

  2. eggamuffin Apr 22,2013 9:12 pm

    Well does society have right to decide what is decent and indecent?

    People do not have morals because they are religious they have morals because they understand what happens when women dress like whores and if you don’t believe me move to the streets of Chicago where it is full of 3ed generation whores and their daughters and grandaughters living with drug dealers and bums who put more value on a blunt than a human life.

  3. Krys Apr 23,2013 1:53 am

    You know what happens when a girl wears revealing clothes? You have a girl wearing revealing clothes. The -only- thing that it actually says about her is that she likes that particular outfit. It’s not a declaration of sexual intent. It’s not an invitation. Clothes are just fabric. People who can’t see past them are simply blind.

  4. blain May 9,2013 3:59 pm

    Sorry if you look at the facts, that town is actually much Muslim and is the location of the first Muslim University in Kanya. So yes blame the usual’s.

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