Super-Religious Pakistanis Adore Gay Porn 3

Pew research, illuminated by Mother Jones:

Among the least [gay-]tolerant nations surveyed was Pakistan, where only 2 percent of those surveyed said society should accept homosexuality. That statistic might be unsurprising, considering that gay sex is illegal under the Pakistani penal code. But what is surprising is how those views compare to Pakistani search traffic around gay-porn related terms.


As of this writing, Pakistan is by volume the world leader for Google searches of the terms “shemale sex,” “teen anal sex,” and “man fucking man,” according to Google Trends. Pakistan also ranks second in the world (after similarly gay-intolerant Kenya) for volume of searches for the search term “gay sex pics.”

3 thoughts on “Super-Religious Pakistanis Adore Gay Porn

  1. Pingback: Pakistan internet users top Google searches for gay sex despite being one of the world’s most homophobic countries | Talesfromthelou's Blog

  2. Milad May 21,2014 6:09 pm

    you fucking piece of shit making a mockery of prayer by posting this

    i hope you get raped up your ass by a monkey whilst you bend over doing your shoelaces you worthless piece of junk

  3. Terry Firma May 21,2014 6:25 pm

    Aw, thanks for the sweet words, Milad.

    Since you found this post, may I assume that you’re (a) a Muslim and (b) were looking for gay online porn?

    That you would fantasize about me getting ass-raped probably says a lot about you. Always good to see the morals of the true believer laid out so nakedly. Also, the reference to gay bestiality and rape is no coincidence, surely. Most straight people I know don’t go around fantasizing about gay butt sex.

    No monkeys for me, thanks — but you know, to each his own. Spank away in that stifling closet of yours, and have fun!

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